ICT Prio Site's
Information and Communications Technology (ICT)

Sumber : http://gate.polarhome.com/pipermail/gmni/2003-August/000212.html

Sebenarnya isu ini tidak hanya terjadi pada tahun ini. Pada akhir tahun 2001 (November) juga pernah terjadi isu akan adanya razia software bajakan oleh Microsoft. Namun pihak Microsoft sendiri membantahnya. Presiden Direktur Microsoft Indonesia, Andrew McBean menyatakan bahwa "Kami akan menempuh cara-cara yang benar, pantas, layak dan smart." (http://www.kowarisby.or.id/detailview.php?id_berita=43).

Lalu isu razia ini kembali berkembang pada pertengahan tahun 2002 (April). Isu April Mop, karena juga ternyata isu tersebut juga HOAX atau tidak benar. Berikut pernyataan yang cukup menarik dari ibu Diana Soedardi Ardian dari Microsoft Indonesia :

--- start ---

Microsoft Corp. dalam hal ini selaku pemilik hak Cipta atas perangkat lunaknya malakukan beberapa hal dalam menghadapi maraknya pembajakan atas perangkat lunak yaitu dengan secara kontinyu melakukan riset atas teknologi anti pembajakan yang lebih memadai dari hari kehari, contohnya "product activation" serta membina integritas para channel distribusi untuk mengurangi cost akibat pembajakan.

Ada tiga hal yang secara bersama-sama selalu dilakukan Microsoft yaitu:

1. Melakukan kegiatan edukasi kepada konsumen, sehingga konsumen menyadari bahaya yang mengintai dibalik penggunaan software bajakan
2. Melakukan investigasi berskala internasional, disertai usaha penegakkan hukum melalui jalur/aparat penegak hukum yang ada, untuk menjamin Hak Ciptanya terlindungi.
3. Menjalin kerjasama yang baik dengan asosiasi terkait, pemerintah dan kalangan akademisi untuk mensosialisasikan pentingnya menggunakan perangkat lunak yang legal.

Microsoft Indonesia tidak pernah melakukan razia maupun tindakan serupa dengan nama apapun (mungkin pernah beken dengan istilah sweeping) karena memang tidak mempunyai kewenangan tersebut. Lingkup usaha kami adalah Sales & Marketing, sehingga segala sesuatu hal yang berkaitan dengan usaha-usaha penegakan hukum kami serahkan kepada yang berwajib, namun kami akan sangat mendukung usaha-usaha tersebut demi terciptanya iklim HAKI yang lebih kondusif di masa datang. Yang pernah kami lakukan tahun lalu kepada para reseller untuk membuktikan bahwa oknum tertentu telah melakukan tindakan hard disk loading adalah dengan cara uji coba pembelian atau kami istilahkan dengan Dealer Test Purchase Program (DTPP). Dalam hal ini kami membeli produk-produk yang dijual oleh para reseller tersebut dengan sah, tanpa cara-cara yang tidak bertanggung jawab.

Dalam kondisi seperti ini memang banyak pihak yang menjadi opportunis dan menangguk keuntungan dari ketidak tahuan masyarakat, untuk itu sekiranya Bapak, maupun rekan-rekan melihat atau mencurigai ancaman-ancaman razia yang mengatas namakan PT. Microsoft, kami mohonkan agar dapat menkonfirmasikan kepada kami.

Mengenai dimana Bapak dapat memperoleh perangkat lunak Microsoft yang original beserta harganya, Bapak bisa kunjungi kami di http://www.microsoft.com/Indonesia/partners

Mengenai informasi yang lebih lengkap tentang pembajakan silahkan kunjungi: http://www.microsoft.com/piracy untuk informasi umum atau http://www.microsoft.com/piracy/howtotell untuk fitur-fitur anti pembajakan pada produk OEM.

--- end ---

Itu dulu sebelum UU HAKI No.19 tahun 2002, namun bagaimana sekarang? Setelah UU HAKI No.19 tahun 2002 itu diberlakukan sejak tanggal 23 Juli 2003 yang lalu. Dirjen HAKI Depkeh HAM Abdul Bari Azed menyatakan bahwa 3 bulan kedepan mereka akan mendata dulu software-software yang illegal tersebut dan mengirimi surat peringatan untuk tidak menggunakan software illegal (http://www.detikinet.com/software/2003/07/29/20030729-194655.shtml).

Lagi-lagi kembali beredar isu razia warnet. Dengan simpang siurnya berita tentang razia warnet ini sungguh sangat meresahkan pengusaha warnet. Bahkan ada beberapa warnet yang sampai tutup karena takut kena razia. Untuk itulah sebagai upaya klarifikasi diakan pertemuan tanggal 29 Juli 2003 antara AWARI/Asosiasi Warnet Indonesia (ibu Judith), LINUX (pak Ase dan Rusmanto) dan MICROSOFT (Ibu Diana). Berikut notulen dari pertemuan tersebut yang di informasikan oleh rekan saya Donny B.U :

--- start ---

Pernyataan dari Ibu Diana (MICROSOFT) :

Microsoft mengklarifikasikan bahwa pihaknya sama sekali tidak pernah melakukan sweeping, ataupun meminta aparat melakukan sweeping ke warnet-warnet. kalaupun ada aparat penegak hukum atau orang2 yang mengaku dirinya sebagai pegawai Microsoft yang melakukan sweeping dan/atau meminta uang, itu sama sekali tidak ada keterlibatannya dengan microsoft, dan mereka bisa dikatakan sebagai oknum. warnet berhak untuk menanyakan identitas jelas dari setiap orang yang mengaku aparat atau dari microsoft, dan berhak untuk menolak setiap permintaan dari oknum yang aneh-aneh tersebut. kebijakan microsoft hanyalah sebatas pada marketing dan selling, tidak ikut-ikutan ke soal penegakan hukum dan uu hak cipta. bahwasanya uu hak cipta tersebut menguntungkan microsoft, itu adalah implikasi dari diratifikasinya perjanjian WTO oleh pemerintah Indonesia. kalaupun ada razia/sweeping, maka haruslah melibatkan beberapa unsur yang terkait sekaligus, yaitu kepolisian, kejaksaan, ditjen haki depkeham dan BSA (business software alliance) sebagai wakil dari berbagai vendor software dunia.

Untuk menelurkan suatu skema kerjasama dengan warnet, Microsoft indonesia tidak bisa dengan mudah langsung menelurkannya. karena tiap model kerjasama dan model bisnis yang akan dilakukan, harus atas sepengetahuan dan persetujuan microsoft regional dan microsoft pusat. ini merupakan kebijakan mutlak dari microsoft pusat yang tidak bisa ditawar-tawar, sehingga proses skema kerjasama tersebut tidak bisa buru-buru dikeluarkan. bahkan untuk kerjasama dengan komunitas warnet, belum banyak contoh model bisnisnya di berbagai kantor microsoft di dunia. sehingga mereka harus bolak-balik berdialog dengan microsoft regional dan microsoft pusat.

microsoft indonesia tengah mendraft suatu skema khusus bagi warnet, yang ancer2nya adalah sebagai berikut :

tengah dipertimbangkan mana yang paling menguntungkan bagi warnet, apakah model volume licensing (minimal pembelian adalah 5 lisensi, makin banyak akan makin murah) atau OEM (minimal pembelian adalah 1 lisensi, di paket dengan hardware tertentu semisal mouse, beli 1 dan beli banyak harganya sama persatuannya). harga perlisensinya akan dibuat sereliabel mungkin bagi warnet, dengan mengkombinasikan beberapa trik tertentu agar tidak terlalu melenceng dengan aturan yang ditetapkan oleh microsoft pusat. dan harga tersebut akan dapat dicicil setidaknya 12 hingga 24 bulan. ancer2 harga sebenarnya telah disebutkan, tetapi berhubung belum resmi dan masih sensitif, maka bagi yang ingin tahu silakan japri ke mbak judith saja :) lisensi tersebut nanti akan berupa satu paket untuk satu komputer, yang berisi sistem operasi windows dan office standar sedang digodok pula mekanisme membeli lisensi tersebut. yang saat itu menjadi ancer2 kesepakatan awal dengan awari adalah, jika warnet tersebut berbadan hukum maka bisa langsung membeli di reseller yang ditunjuk microsoft, dengan menunjukan keabsahan badan hukum warnet tersebut. bagi yang belum berbadan hukum, diperlukan semacam surat keterangan dari asosiasi warnet (awari, komitel, dsb), ditambah surat keterangan dari pejabat setempat mengenai keberadaan warnet tersebut (entah rt/rw ataupun kelurahaan), dan untuk pembelian lisensi tersebut bisa langsung ke reseller berbekalkan surat2 tersebut atau dibantu oleh asosiasi warnet yang telah mengadakan kerjasama dengan microsoft sebelumnya. draft ini belum final, masih perlu adanya penyesuaian disana-sini. tetapi diharapkan dalam 1-2 minggu ini, skema kerjasama tersebut sudah bisa diluncurkan ke publik. teman-teman microsoft menyatakan bahwa pilihan o/s bagi warnet adalah hak masing-masing warnet, dan akan diarahkan pada dua jenis o/s yaitu proprietary yang legal/berlisensi atau open source

microsoft indonesia sangat kuatir dengan adanya aksi pemalakan yang mengatasnamakan kepentingan microsoft atau atas nama microsoft, di warnet-warnet. disampaikan pula oleh microsoft bahwa aksi pemalakan tersebut juga menimpa reseller2 resmi microsoft di daerah. bahkan sudah mulai ada indikasi bahwa beberapa oknum aparat melakukan pendekatan dengan microsoft indonesia, menawarkan "paket hemat", yaitu dengan tarif murah mereka dapat melakukan penggrebekan ke banyak tempat sekaligus. microsoft indonesia sangat menyesalkan adanya pihak-pihak yang menjadi oportunis dengan diberlakukannya UU HaKI.

Pernyataan dari teman Linux:

dalam waktu dekat akan diadakan semacam aktifitas bareng antara Awari, komunitas Linux, ICT Watch dan pihak-pihak terkait, berupa workshop Linux Sehat for Warnet. diharapkan dalam 1-2 minggu ini sudah dapat terlaksana, dengan pilot project di kawasan Jakarta Barat.

dalam workshop tersebut direncanakan akan ada topik tentang haki, serba-serbi hukum dan penegakannya, menghindari palak-memalak, linux untuk warnet, bisnis sampingan untuk warnet, dsb

teman-teman Linux siap me-linux-kan warnet secara gratis, dengan syarat tertentu semisal konsep "training for trainer" atau sebagai "warnet model". untuk model kerjasamanya, akan digodok lebih lanjut dan akan diluncurkan saat workshop tersebut.

teman-teman Linux menyatakan bahwa pilihan o/s bagi warnet adalah hak masing-masing warnet, dan akan diarahkan pada dua jenis o/s yaitu proprietary yang legal/berlisensi atau open source

aplikasi linux untuk warnet sebenarnya telah tersedia dengan cukup, dari aplikasi untuk server hingga client, semisal browser, chatting, yahoo/msn
messenger, office, dsb. khusus untuk billing system, bagi keperluan standar juga telah tersedia. dalam workshop Linux Sehat for Warnet tersebut, akan dicoba dikumpulkan aplikasi2 tersebut dalam satu CD.

--- end ---

Ada juga pernyataan lain dari pak M. Faried Rachmat, SH, salah satu konsultan hukum UU HAKI bahwa dalam hal ini berlaku HUKUM POSITIP dan TIDAK BERLAKU SURUT. jadi UU itu hanya bisa diterapkan untuk misalnya ada warnet yang start up setelah tanggal pemberlakuan UU (23 Juli 2003) dengan mempergunakan program2 yang illegal. Untuk berkonsultasi lebih lanjut silahkan hubungi HP 0816 4851366 atau (021) 8440376.

Benar tidaknya tentang razia (atau sweeping) yang akan dilakukan oleh Microsoft itu bisa dikatakan TIDAK BENAR dan itu hanya berita yang bersifat HOAX saja. Tapi tentang pemberlakukan UU HAKI No.19 tahun 2002
(http://www.kompas.co.id/utama/news/0307/29/uuhk_1.htm) itu sendiri adalah benar adanya. Dan itu tidak hanya mencakup soal warnet yang menggunakan software illegal, tapi juga hak cipta yang lainnya. Jadi saya himbau untuk semua pengusaha warnet dan pengguna software Microsoft lainnya untuk tidak diresahkan dan terpancing oleh berita-berita yang tidak benar ini.

Bisa saja ini hanya isu dari pihak-pihak tertentu yang ingin mengambil keuntungan dibalik ketakutan dan ketidak tahuan kita. Dan kalau tiba tiba ada oknum yang merazia warnet Anda dan mengenakan denda 500juta. Sebaiknya mintalah dulu surat tugas dari mereka dan laporkan ke pihak yang berwajib atau kuasa hukum Anda. Karena sampai saat ini berita akan diakan razia warnet itu tidak benar.

Banjarmasin, 31 Juli 2003

Budi Hariyono
Praktisi & Pengamat IT

Baca Selengkapnya Ya......

Pasal 72 Ayat 3 UU HaKI

Posted In: . By Admin DMG

Sumber : http://direktif.web.id/arc/2006/10/pasal-72

Sebenarnya “rasa penasaran” berikut ini mengangkat lagi kisah razia perangkat lunak bajakan yang sudah berlangsung pada bulan Maret 2006. Bermula dari pendapat Felix Febrian di mailing list Asosiasi Warnet mengomentari Iklan Kapolri “Stop Pembajakan Haki” di TV,

Pasal 72 ayat 3 UU Hak Cipta berbunyi, Barang siapa dengan sengaja dan tanpa hak memperbanyak penggunaan untuk kepentingan komersial suatu program komputer dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama lima tahun dan/atau denda paling banyak Rp 500 juta.

Software di kantor polisi digunakan untuk pelayanan publik dan tidak untuk komersial. Saya kira polisi tidak bisa dijerat dengan UU HaKI di atas.

Don't Let Pirated Software Kill -- Use Free Software

Saya memang belum menelusuri pasal-pasal UU HaKI secara lengkap dan rinci, namun sedikit heran dengan tambahan klausul pembedaan antara kepentingan komersial dan bukan. Berdasarkan kelaziman yang hampir selalu saya jumpai pada produk-produk kekayaan intelektual (perangkat lunak, tulisan, lagu, dan film), izin pembeda pemakaian komersial dan non-komersial melekat pada lisensi yang dipilih oleh produk yang bersangkutan. Contoh yang paling gamblang adalah lisensi Creative Commons, yang menyediakan rentang cukup luas untuk keragaman lisensi. Termasuk antisipasi mereka terhadap bangsa-bangsa sedang berkembang yang masih terlilit dalih daya beli rendah.

Keterangan yang tertulis di Tanya-Jawab Hak Cipta,

26. Perbuatan apa yang tidak dianggap sebagai pelanggaran hak cipta?

Perbanyakan suatu ciptaan selain program komputer, secara terbatas dengan cara atau alat apapun atau proses yang serupa oleh perpustakaan umum, lembaga ilmu pengetahuan atau pendidikan dan pusat dokumentasi yang bersifat non komersial semata-mata untuk keperluan aktifitasnya [sic];

dan, pasal 72 diulang lagi,

Barangsiapa dengan sengaja dan tanpa hak memperbanyak penggunaan untuk kepentingan komersial suatu program komputer dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 5 (lima) tahun dan/atau denda paling banyak Rp. 500.000.000,00 (lima ratus juta rupiah);

Dengan pengecualian dikaitkan pemakaian komersial atau bukan seperti yang secara global disebut di UU HaKI, apakah hal tersebut tidak akan berbenturan dengan EULA yang lazim dipakai oleh perangkat lunak komersial impor? Saya baca contoh EULA di Windows XP EULA in Plain English, tidak saya temukan pengecualian untuk pemakaian non-komersial. Lembaga pendidikan yang menjalin kerja sama dengan Microsoft pun menyediakan mekanisme lisensi dengan cara yang berbeda, namun bukan berupa pengecualian. Apakah kedua belah pihak — perangkat hukum vendor perangkat lunak dan praktisi hukum negeri ini — belum menyadari konsekuensi tersebut atau membiarkannya?

Kebetulan kasus yang sudah bergulir di lapangan baru berupa pernyataan salah seorang aparat di Makassar, yang tancap gas menyebut lugas, Jadi untuk kepentingan komersial dilarang! Tapi untuk kepentingan pelatihan, dan di instansi-instansi itu diperbolehkan. Pelatihan apa dan di instansi mana?

Dapat saja — dan sangat mungkin — UU HaKI belum sempurna mengakomodasi persoalan kekayaan intelektual atau “kebingungan” kita antara mengikuti hukum pasar dan romantika “memberdayakan rakyat”. Dengan resiko: jika tak kunjung jelas, akan muncul kesan aturan tersebut diskriminatif atau dapat disalahgunakan dan menjadi cibiran mereka yang merasa tersudut dengan penerapan UU HaKI.

8 Komentar

taryan berpendapat pada tanggal 15 Oktober 2006 21.01:

Akan lebih baik lagi jika pemerintah bersikap “adil” supaya tidak ada pihak-pihak yang dirugikan dengan penerapan UU HaKI.

Rendra berpendapat pada tanggal 16 Oktober 2006 0.33:

Kalau dari kata-kata

Barang siapa dengan sengaja dan tanpa hak memperbanyak penggunaan untuk kepentingan komersial suatu program komputer dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama lima tahun dan/atau denda paling banyak Rp 500 juta.

Jadi yang kena pidana = memperbanyak penggunaan untuk kepentingan komersil. Yang memakai (membeli bajakan) nggak kena pidana.

Jadi yang saya pahami, memakai Windows XP bajakan melanggar EULA dan hak cipta, tapi nggak kena hukum pidana.

Priyadi berpendapat pada tanggal 16 Oktober 2006 1.40:

sekadar memperjelas:

“Perbuatan apa yang tidak dianggap sebagai pelanggaran hak cipta?”

“Perbanyakan suatu ciptaan selain program komputer, secara terbatas dengan cara atau alat apapun atau proses yang serupa oleh perpustakaan umum, lembaga ilmu pengetahuan atau pendidikan dan pusat dokumentasi yang bersifat non komersial semata-mata untuk keperluan aktifitasnya”


  • memfotokopi buku yang dilakukan oleh perpustakaan umum, lembaga ilmu pengetahuan atau pendidikan dan pusat dokumentasi yang sifatnya non kemersial DIPERBOLEHKAN
  • mengcopy satu copy Windows XP versi retail untuk satu kampus TIDAK DIPERBOLEHKAN

jadi menurut keterangan di atas, bukannya artinya tidak ada pengecualian untuk produk software dan dengan demikian keterangan ini masih sejalan dengan kontrak software (EULA)?

tapi lain ceritanya dengan pasal 72. mungkin harus diperjelas definisi ‘kepentingan komersil’

double negative sucks!

IMW berpendapat pada tanggal 16 Oktober 2006 7.43:

Lembaga pendidikan non komersial ? Becanda kalian… Lha PTN saja sudah komersial.

Sridewa berpendapat pada tanggal 17 Oktober 2006 5.12:

Daripada pusing2 mikirin hukum dan pemerintahan, lebih baik kita kembali ke era anarki saja. Revive Anarchy!

Amal berpendapat pada tanggal 17 Oktober 2006 7.22:

Pak Pri: betul, memang pertanyaan pada “Tanya Jawab Hak Cipta” bernada negatif dan justru sesuai dengan EULA. Saya tulis dua sisi (yang sesuai dengan yang berbenturan dengan kontrak EULA) dari UU HaKI.

Terima kasih, bagian negatif pada pertanyaan saya beri penekanan juga.

Andry berpendapat pada tanggal 18 Oktober 2006 11.03:

Software dan hukum adalah dua bahasa yang sudah seyogyanya tidak dicampur aduk seperti sekarang.

Bahasa hukum, sepresisi apapun itu, tetap mengundang banyak misinterprestasi. Lain dengan bahasa pemrograman, tidak presisi artinya Local Watch akan dipenuhi pesan kesalahan.

Sesederhana itu.

PandaGanteng berpendapat pada tanggal 27 Oktober 2006 0.35:

Jangan lupa lho.. kebutuhan main game, iseng2 utak-atik foto keluarga selama enggak dikenakan bayaran juga bisa dikeluarkan dari definisi “komersial”.. hehehe..

Apakah di bagian depan UU HAKI mengenai definisi ada definisi dari “komersial”?

Baca Selengkapnya Ya......

Salah Kaprah Undang-Undang Hak Cipta

Posted In: . By Admin DMG


Sumber : http://www.haki.lipi.go.id/utama.cgi?artikel&1105150726&1

SURABAYA -- Pakar hak cipta dari Universitas Airlangga Rachmi Jened SH MH mengkritik sejumlah pihak yang secara serampangan menerjemahkan Undang-Undang Hak Cipta sebagai Undang-Undang HAKI. Ditegaskannya, istilah HAKI mencakup hal yang lebih luas dari sekadar hak cipta.

"Sedangkan yang diributkan selama ini adalah masalah hak cipta, bukan masalah yang menggunakan istilah HAKI. Kesalahan itu akan bisa mempengaruhi pemahaman masyarakat awam, sebab nanti yang dikira HAKI itu hanyalah hak cipta begitu pula sebaliknya," urainya ketika dihubungi Republika, Senin (22/3).

Oleh karena itu, produk perundangan yang dimaksudkan tentulah yang mencakup penegakan hak cipta. Produk perundangan bernama Undang-Undang Hak Cipta itu memang berlaku efektif sejak setahun silam. "Karena sifat hukumnya yang deklaratif dan merupakan delik biasa, maka aparat wajib menegakkannya tanpa harus menunggu laporan dari berbagai pihak," papar kandidat doktor Unair ini.

Kalaupun ada upaya artis atau seniman melaporkan masalah pembajakan hak cipta maka langkah itu tak bisa dikatakan sebagai pembajakan HAKI. Sebab, sambung dia, keduanya memiliki wilayah cakupan berbeda. Hak cipta hanyalah satu bagian saja dari HAKI.

"Kalangan seniman atau artis pun sudah sangat memahami hal itu. Jadi, sesungguhnya tanpa menunggu laporan dari mereka, pihak aparat keamanan seharusnya melakukan razia kepada produk-produk bajakan itu secara intensif karena memang undang-undang mewajibkannya," tutur dia.

Sumber : Republika (23 Maret 2004)

» kirim ke teman
» versi cetak
revisi terakhir : 8 Januari 2005

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Tampilkan Logo Perusahaan Di Windows

Posted In: . By Admin DMG

Sumber :

Pernah beli komputer branded sekelas IBM atau HP ? kalau udah pasti pernah liat logo IBM atau compaq di properties nya “my computer”

Ternyata kita juga bisa lho bikin logo perusahaan dan menampilkannya di properties itu, caranya adalah :

1. Buat file OEMLOGO.BMP dengan ukuran file 180 x 114 dengan 256 color.

2. Buat file OEMINFO.INI dengan notepad, kira-kira isinya kaya begini :

Model=Jl.Dr.Sumeru No.120 Bogor

[Support Information]
Line2=JL. Dr. Sumeru No. 120
Line3=Bogor, 16111
Line5=Telp : 0251-312292
Line6=Fax : 0251-371001
Line8=Kunjungi Website Kami Di :
Line11=Untuk Informasi dan permasalahan, hubungi :
Line12=Sistem Inforamsi Manajemen RS. Karya Bhakti
Line13=Telp : 0251-312292 (277)
Line14=email : simrs@rskaryabhakti.co.id

selanjutnya kopikan ke-2 file tsb ke folder windows/system32

lalu tekan tombol ΓΏ +BREAK untuk melihat hasilnya.

kira-kira hasilnya akan seperti ini :


Jika kita klik support information, kira-kira hasilnya akan sbb :


Baca Selengkapnya Ya......

PEMASARAN bisnis internet kini mulai masuk sektor eceran. Kalau sebelumnya provider lebih banyak mengarahkan pemasarannya pada perusahaan-perusahaan besar, kini teknologi komunikasi canggih ini mulai dibuka untuk melayani masyarakat umum. Bahkan masyarakat awam pun sudah bisa memanfaatkan jasa layanan ini.

Provider sebagai penyelenggara bisnis internet, tampaknya sadar benar bahwa layanan jasa ini harus dikembangkan. Tidak cukup hanya menjangkau kalangan perusahaan besar saja. Masyarakat umum, pengusaha kecil dan menengah juga bisa memanfaatkan untuk berbagai kepentingan bisnis, promosi maupun lainnya.

Dengan pertimbangan tersebut, maka perlu dibuat semacam warung internet (warnet) yang bisa dijangkau dengan mudah oleh masyarakat umum. Dipilihlah wartel untuk wahana pengembangan bisnis internet di masa mendatang.

Apabila anda berminat untuk mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa dan ikut mengurangi pengangguran maka kami siap untuk melayani anda.

Kami melayani :
  1. Pemasangan Warnet
  2. Servis Komputer (Service/Repair) (ditempat/ambil & kirim untuk Surabaya, Sidoarjo & sekitarnya
  3. Perawatan Komputer Berkala (Maintenance)
  4. Instalasi Jaringan (Networking)
  5. Jual Beli Komputer Baru & Bekas
  6. Shooting Digital Video menjadi VCD & DVD
  7. Transfer Digital Video menjadi VCD & DVD
  8. Editing Digital Video menjadi VCD & DVD

Contact Person :
Telp. 031-70444333
HP. 081 33000 4499
Fax. 031-7674676
email : deltasagita@yahoo.co.id

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Hati - hati dengan virus Hacker Smasa. Baru-baru ini pada tanggal 18 Desember 2007 sebuah server warnet di Surabaya terkena virus ini. 5 antivirus tidak bisa mendeteksi apalagi membersihkan virus ini. Antivirus yang pernah kami gunakan adalah :
  1. Mc Afee Update
  2. AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic Update
  3. AVG Update
  4. Ansav Update
  5. PC Media Anti Virus RC23 Update
Dari ke 5 anti virus diatas
hanya satu yang bisa deteksi kalau itu virus, akan tetapi tidak bisa membersihkan atau mengkarantina apalagi mendelete.

Tanda - tanda anda terserang virus ini adalah :
  1. Ada folder dengan nama Hacker dengan ukuran 47 kb
  2. Ada sebuah folder yang sama dalam folder yang anda masuki, tapi biasanya urutan tampilan folder itu selalu diatas file-file dalam suatu folder tapi folder ini ada dalam urutan ditengah - tengah file sesuai dengan urutan abjad file dengan ukuran 47 kb.
  3. Folder ini kalau diklik selalu ada komentar yaitu "Tolong biarkan aku hidup didalam komputer ini", "Aku berjanji tidak akan mengganggu", Apabila ada kerusakan, aku siap memperbaikinya" & "Buat anak SMASA Surabaya, tolong ingat aku ya"
  4. Virus ini akan menggandakan dirinya setiap anda mengklik folder - folder tersebut.
  5. Setiap waktunya sholat akan mengingatkan kalian semua untuk sholat!
  6. Pada tanggal 1 dan 15 pasti muncul pesan!
  7. 10 hari setelah virus mancep semua file exe bakal error gak bisa dibuka!
Pada saat kami mencoba - coba searcing di google.com, kami menemukan sebuah Friendster - HAcker Smasa dengan URL http://profiles.friendster.com/sipintar. Ini adalah tampilan dari URL tersebut.

Kami bersyukur karena sudah dapat membersihkan virus ini dengan cara kami sendiri, bukan dengan antivirus seperti tersebut di URL http://profiles.friendster.com/sipintar.

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Friendster 'Ancam' Masa Depan Remaja

Posted In: . By Admin DMG

Jutaan anak muda bisa menghancurkan peluang karir mereka di masa depan hanya gara-gara postingan informasi pribadi di situs jejaring sosial macam Friendster, Facebook atau MySpace. Adalah lembaga pengawas informasi The Information Comissioner Office (ICO) yang menyatakan hal itu. Pasalnya, jika terdapat informasi pribadi yang buruk di situs-situs tersebut, perusahaan bisa jadi tak akan mau memakai jasa mereka.

Banyak anak muda mem-posting konten online tanpa berpikir tentang jejak elektronik yang mereka buat. Hal ini sangat riskan bagi masa depan jika ditemukan sesuatu yang tak pantas karena makin banyak institusi pendidikan dan perusahaan memakai internet untuk mencari mahasiswa atau pekerja potensial, ungkap Deputi Komisaris ICO David Smith.

Sejumlah anak muda pun khawatir mengenai hal ini. Dalam riset ICO, 71 persen dari 2000 remaja yang di survei dengan usia 14 sampai 21 tahun menyatakan bahwa mereka tak ingin pihak kampus atau perusahaan mengetahui data mereka di situs jejaring sosial. Mereka pun ingin menyingkirkan berbagai informasi tertentu yang dianggap tak pantas diketahui.

Menurut Smith, seperti yang diberitakan dari BBC, Sabtu (24/11/2007), dalam survei ini juga ditemukan indikasi bahwa anak muda mengkhawatirkan informasi pribadi mereka akan disebarkan pada pihak yang tak semestinya.

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Driver Updates

Posted In: . By Admin DMG

Fix Your Driver Problems Instantly

Stop the searching and scan your Computer for instant driver updates with DriverAgent

Our Scan Technology is 100% Guaranteed Adware Free, Spyware Free, and Virus Free.

3 good reasons

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Stop those annoying crashes and slow downs by updating the device drivers on your computer.

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Locating the correct and newest drivers is simple and safe with DriverAgent. Our leading edge Internet technology and certified database will quickly deliver the correct and most current device driver for your PC.

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  • Windows Vista™ Ready 11,932 Windows Vista™ Device Drivers.
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Click Here to Take the DriverAgent Tour!

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By: Fredrick Marckini


There's a pervasive myth among Web site marketers that simply submitting your Web site to hundreds or thousands of search engines will increase traffic to your site. That's not true! Submitting alone does not guarantee that your site will be found in these search engines. When someone queries a search engine for a keyword related to your site's services, does your page appear in the top 10 matches - or does your competition's?

If you're not listed within the first two or three pages (the top 10 to 30 search matches) of results, you lose, no matter how many engines you submitted your site to. Studies demonstrate that most search engine users have neither the patience nor the time to wait for more than three pages of search matches to load. If your site isn't found in the top 10 to 30 matches when someone performs a keyword query in the major search engines, your Web site might as well be a billboard in the woods. Nobody will find it, nobody will come.

There are two barriers to solving this problem. First, you have to know the techniques that will move you into a top 10 position. Once you learn how to achieve a top 10 search position, you have to monitor your progress because rankings take time to rise and can fall without warning. Monitoring rankings manually is too time consuming. Fortunately, this critical step can be performed effortlessly with rank measurement tools now available.

A top 10 ranking in a major search engine such as Yahoo!, Lycos, or AltaVista often will generate more targeted traffic than an expensive banner advertising campaign. Plus, a good search engine position is free - anyone can do it. Consider this:

  • Virtually everyone begins browsing the Web at one of these 10 major search engines:

    1. AltaVista.com
    2. AOL
    3. Excite.com
    4. Go.com (the search engine formerly known as Infoseek)
    5. GoTo.com
    6. HotBot.com
    7. Lycos.com
    8. MSN.com
    9. WebCrawler.com
    10. Yahoo.com

  • Your rank within these search engines determines how many people will find and visit your Web site.
  • Major search engines attract more visitors than any other Web sites. Search engines are among the most visited Web sites, according to MediaMetrix.com and other audit bureau services.
  • Other forms of online advertising, such as banner ads, are expensive. Just a few good positions under a few important keywords can deliver the same or better results - for free!
  • Bulk submitting is a bit like being in the phone book. It doesn't ensure even one phone call - you need a good listing and a large display ad in the yellow pages. In search engines, the higher you rank under important keywords, the more traffic you'll get.

Search engines generate more traffic to Web sites than almost any other source. This was demonstrated by the 10th WWW User Survey conducted by the Georgia Institute of Technology (paraphrased):

The ways in which people discover Web sites:

1. Links from other Web pages 88%
2. Via search engines 85%
3. From friends 65%

This study shows that almost 90% of Web users find Web sites through search engines. This confirms something most Web markers are just now learning - good positioning in search engines will produce big results!

A number of resources are available that teach the specific techniques necessary to increase your Web site's rankings in the major search engines.

Several books are available that teach search engine positioning. One of these is mine, #1 Web Marketing: Achieving Top 10 Rankings in Internet Search Engines. It's a step-by-step guide to search engine positioning available at trafficbuilding.com.

Search Engine Watch is a veritable cornucopia of search engine trivia and facts as well as a terrific Web master's resources area with information on each search engine's ranking algorithms.

Web Position Gold is a rank measurement software tool available from FirstPlace Software. It sells for $149, but a 30-day free trial version is available for download.

Attaining top 10 rankings in major search engines is not particularly difficult. You do not need to be a supertalented Web page designer to do things to your Web pages that will improve rankings. Most of it is rudimentary HTML coding. If you operate a small Web site, you may choose to perform this work yourself. Depending on your budget, goals, and the size of your site, you may need a search engine positioning consultant.

Once you invest just a bit of time implementing these specific techniques, you will move your site from "the Land of the Lost" into "the Land of the Found" - found at the top of search engines' rankings, that is.

Copyright © 2000 iProspect.com

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Which are the best and most effective ways to make a profit on your blog or independent news site?

Photo credit: Georgios M.W.

Prompted by Make Money off Your Blog, a recent editorial article from The Washington Post contributor Mike Peed, I would like to share my discoveries and recommendations on how to make money with online content while keeping interruptive ads (banners, pop-ups, flashy ads, etc.) off your site.

On February 1, 2005, as promised, I turned off the rest of the banners and sponsor promo boxes appearing on my mini-network, as current revenues no longer rely on traditional, in-your-face, interruptive promotional messages. As the road to successful online ad promotion is indeed another one.

But these are unique, effective revenue channels you might want to consider to boost the sustainability and profit potential of your micro-publishing enterprise. If used right, these channels help any serious online publisher move her news site from a part-time passion into a serious, competitive business.

You can't do it overnight, but with enough nose, patience and dedication you can make good content pay back for itself and then some.

1) Google AdSense

AdSense is by far the best, most rewarding monetization resource for blogs, news sites and small, content-rich information sites. Google offers AdSense, a service that lets independent publishers, bloggers and news site owners to publish text-based, context-relevant ads next to the content on their sites. This is done automatically without you, the publisher, having to worry about anything else except putting small-sized code inside each of your Web pages.


For every click on Google AdSense contextual ads, the publishing sites receives credit for a small amount of money, while Google keeps an undisclosed amount of the total advertising share. Though many lament lack of relevance for the ads and little return for the increased info clutter on their pages — many silent publishers — probably the ones who consciously make less noise about this, are making serious money with this program.

What few understand, is that to make AdSense work for you ($$),it involves strategic work. Just placing the code on your pages isn't enough. The focus of your site, the way the content is organized, the way web pages are coded, the titles you use and the color and position you select for placing your AdSense ads on your Web pages all make a difference to the results you get. Significant.

What is important is that different rules apply to different types of pages and content. So no set of rules equally apply to all sites. The key is for the publisher to keep questioning the integration of contextual, text-based ads by doing systematic, ongoing testing, experimentation and optimization. For a focused blogger, this can mean from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars per month. For a dedicated publisher covering high-paying information areas, it is possible to get into the 5-digit range without any major investments and with a relatively short time-to-market. I am not talking about a blogger in the traditional sense, but rather to focused and very professional independent information resources like SearchEngineWatch.com or Paidcontent.org, for example.

AdSense offers also the opportunity to monetize site searches while providing a powerful, lightning-fast search engine for your own site at no extra cost. By providing search-relevant ads on your site's search results pages. Google AdSense adds another great opportunity to monetize premium service and access with relevant text-based information about products and services.

Too bad Google AdSense doesn't let you select your contextual advertisers from its inventory.

Here some great examples of AdSense at work.

Alternative solutions to AdSense: , Kanoodle, Yahoo! Search Marketing and Yahoo! Publisher Network (in beta).

2) Blogads

Blogads is an effective solution for taking control of your advertisers and comparing your profit share with your online ad agency. As the name clearly implies, Blogads is an advertising service for blogs. When the service first came out, As I mentioned that Blogads offers a great opportunity for small, independent publishers, blogs and news sites to sell their ad space in a direct and useful way. Blogads keeps 20 percent of your net revenue and sends you the rest by Paypal or check as soon as you reach a predetermined amount.

For your advertisers Blogads provides a great bonus in terms of speed and simplicity: "Ordering an ad takes just two or three minutes. Submit your image and/or text ad. Define its duration. Pay with Paypal's secure forms. You are done. After the blogger approves the ad, return to tweak and optimize clickthroughs, renew or order on new blogs."

In the case of Blogads the publisher has control over which ads to accept and which ones to reject.

Alternative services:

Crispads is an advertising network focused on blogs. Crispads allows publishers to place ads in blog entries so that they're included in their RSS/ATOM feeds to generate revenues for syndicated content.

grokAds - an advertising clearinghouse for both buyers and sellers which works with any type of site. Offers quick and easy advertising to a specific market.

Tagword - Much like Blogads, Tagword also lets you to select which kinds of ads you want to sell to your site visitors as well as setting the prices you want to charge. Add the code provided to your selected web pages and you are selling text ads on your site! Users can create their text ads directly and submit them in minutes. Purchased ads appear on your site as soon as you're ready.


Create your own Text-based Ads service

TextAds is an open source text ad management system for web sites using PHP. It's been deployed with content management systems like PostNuke and should work with any PHP-based website.

The Idya AdSystem is a text ad management solution for web sites. It supports keyword-driven text-ads and PayPal payments. Installing takes a few minutes. Simply upload it to your site, use the installer to install it, and your site is ready to show text ads. You can check the entire list of its features. The AdSystem uses PHP 4 and MySQL, though it port to other DBMSs. The AdSystem has been undergoing re-engineering for version 2, however, it looks like the site is at a standstill and hasn't been updated since 2003.

3) Amazon Associates

The Amazon Associates program lets independent online publishers with the opportunity to promote any product in Amazon's inventory as affiliate agents. All it takes is adding a small, identifying code to the links that take your site's visitors to a specific Amazon product page (books, DVDs, electronics, etc.). If the visitors who clicked on your link buy an item even if it's not the item you point to — you earn a small commission.


Though the amount of return with the Amazon Associates program is small, nonetheless, it is another way to get income without adding clutter or not-relevant disruptive information to your valuable content. References to relevant books add to the user experience as it helps those who want to search for more information on a topic to see immediate and hand-picked recommendations.

As a matter of fact, it is possible to earn as much as 10 percent per sale as an Amazon Associate.

4) Text Links

Text links are controversial for some purists, but for those seeking a way to monetize content without adding clutter and intrusive ads — it is an interesting opportunity to explore further. Text links are an emerging advertising market that brokers small, text-only links, which often don't need prominent placement (the payback is not on the clicks) on your site pages.

What the advertisers want is a link presence on your site to gain extra "authority" (like the Google PageRank indicator) in an artificial way. This is why you may have noticed many of these text links being placed at the bottom of content pages or in other non-premium positions. The goal is to increase a site's value in search engines. The good thing is that as this market grows, the independent publisher has more and more options from which to select. Also, the publisher can approve and accept text links that are complementary and relevant to the site's content.


Though many text links point to second-rate services and products (online casinos, poker, Viagra, etc.) — this marketplace is growing and becoming more visible, therefore more advertisers of mainstream products and tools are popping up in numbers. Since you are the one accepting such advertising contracts, the selection of what you display is up to you.

To play this game, it is helpful to have a Google PageRank of 4 or more. (Here is an article where you can find out how to measure Google PageRank). For those having a PR value of 6, 7 or more, there is great opportunity for serious monetization. As an indicator, five or six text ads can easily bring in a few hundred dollars every month on a PR 6 site/blog.

A Google generated list of companies brokering text link ads: http://tinyurl.com/66pc4

The example above: FaganFinder
(check the bottom of the home page to see what I mean)

Other online text link agencies: LinkAdage Auctions - Offers blog owners the chance to sell text links on their site at market value through a private online auction.

Text Link Brokerage

Paid Text Links

See also: Will Plain-Text Ads Continue to Rule? (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)

5) Premium Content Sponsorships

Selling sponsored space is another option for the independent publisher. While this was associated with prominent flashy banner ads, this is changing and expanding in many ways. In my view, the successful strategy is to use selected and relevant sponsors to introduce, give access or extend the value offered by premium content.

A relevant product or service can sponsor a news channel or RSS feed. Sponsors can also sponsor a rich section of additional related content to a standard article. Having a resourceful bibliography or annotated resources section in your next ebook or mini-guide is also fertile ground to effectively showcase relevant sponsors.

X-events, podcasts, live and recorded web conferences, online interviews are great unobtrusive and relevant sponsorship opportunities.

See also: New Online Advertising Strategies: No More Interruptive Ads

6) Related Reports

Another opportunity should see more in the near future is affiliate marketing of related research reports. For sites that cover specific industry or niche topics, this is an opportunity to play an effective marketing role for research clearinghouses and large publishers of intelligence reports, analyst insider briefings, white papers and research findings.


These types of reports usually carry a higher price tag than normal ebooks and physical publications. The reason for the high price tag is because their content is focused on specific industries and topics, and it has information that's hard to find elsewhere.

The technology that makes this possible is available from 21Publish (the blog hosting provider) in partnership with Market Research.

7) Affiliate Sales

A good monetization channel for select products and services is affiliate sales. This approach involves signing up to become an affiliate reseller of specific products.

As long as the affiliate products do not affect the publisher's credibility and provide pointers to useful, high-value products that the publisher fully endorses, affiliate sales are a rewarding monetization channel.

The commissions received for these sales vary depending on the product and the original vendor sales and marketing strategy. LinkShare and Commission Junction are two of the largest affiliate program brokers. Check out their catalogs to get a good idea of what products and commissions are available.

If you write and publish your own e-books and other premium content publications, you may want to consider using an affiliate sales program to give your products greater reach and exposure.

My preferred provider for this is Share-It!, which offers full payment and an ecommerce infrastructure to online publishers while integrating a customizable affiliate program. You can set the commission and the products that you want your affiliates to manage. Share-It! automatically takes care of payments and accountability of the transactions; it sends updates and timely sales reports both to you and to your registered resellers. The system even automatically creates content pages that the reseller can link to from her own site.

8) Online Guides and E-Books

Self-published books, e-books, mini-guides, tutorials and other types of premium content generate a respectable source of income for those with relevant and useful content to share. Focused guides and reference publications in niche areas are a growing demand from qualified customers, especially when these products can be easily pre-evaluated in some form.

For bloggers, news sites and small independent publishers' ebooks and online guides should make a natural monetization channel. Much of the content written for a site is easy to re-edit and re-purpose for commercial use. Reviewing editors, topic-specific bloggers can use their writing talent to put together the best content they have on a specific topic.

Selling ebooks requires good online marketing skills, lots of exposure, visibility and honest testimonials from satisfied buyers. A little army of affiliate resellers can go a long way in helping your ebook get extra exposure and visibility. Plus partnering/bundling your product with those who are already the best in your class helps get more copies out the door.

9) Bookstore Distribution and POD Publishing

You can also increase profitability and exposure of your e-books by using a company like Lightning Source, which can distribute your digital content on Amazon bookshelves while allowing you to offer printed versions of your masterpieces using POD technology (print on-demand).

See also: Turn your weblog into a book

Self-publishing with Lulu.com

Trafford Publishing

10) Merchandising

Selling your branded t-shirt or baseball cap makes sense when your publishing project has a strong brand, a powerful message or an issue that it stands behind.


Why would people shell out USD $20 or more to buy a branded t-shirt promoting a web site? If a bold tagline spells out a strong message or slogan about something of which many are passionate, readers want to support the cause by wearing them.

I think this works effectively where a) the personal brand is good enough to create a desire in readers to "stand" for it (few bloggers or news sites have this kind of charisma, but I people like Joi Ito or Howard Rheingold most likely can command some of this), or b) the author or blog / site stands for something clearly identifiable. It may be an overarching mission or a number of changing issues that make effective marketing themes for such products.

CafePress offers an extensive catalog of shorts, caps, calendars, mugs with over 80 customizable merchandise products waiting for your logo and tagline to be printed on them. CafePress provides the raw merchandise that you can customize by uploading your artwork and interactively adjusting it on through its online command center.

While CafePress charges a base cost for the material (e.g.: USD $13.99 base price for T-shirts), you can price your branded merchandise however you like and CafePress dutifully manages the transaction, payment, shipment and your monthly payments for your hard-earned commissions. In the process CafePress, also creates a full web-based shopping center that can be customized to match your Web site's design.

11) Collections - Anthologies - Compilations - Curated content on CD-ROM

Thanks to CafePress and similar services, independent online publishers also have the opportunity to deliver vast amounts of content such as aggregated anthologies of articles, reports, audio and video files, or research collections on CD-ROM. All with complete infrastructure support for the mastering, duplication, labeling and shipping of these.


Again, the publisher pays a wholesale cost for the production of each CD-ROM ordered and the profit comes from the markup that the publisher decides on for each item sold. CafePress clears payments from customers, prints the CD, packages it and ships it to your customer. It sets aside your profit margin and cuts a check for you at the end of the month.

The publisher base price is USD $4.99 per CD (excluding shipping). You can mark up the price as much as you want and CafePress collects payments and sends your profit margin to you.

More info: CafePress Data CD

12) Paid Assignment

While many find this very controversial, more companies are using bloggers and independent sites to talk about, promote or cover specific products and issues. The Marqui program, in which I've participated, is a good example. But there are other ways to go about it. A person can go to a company and become its official online blogger. A person can take specific assignments for prominent sites and work for them, with or without credit, covering specific issues.

The important thing here is to be clear and upfront about it. People are inflexible about this because they're afraid that the people they trusted and read without question before may now write articles because they are paid for it.

From my point of view, I say the following:

a) question your sources, no matter how good they are and how fanatical you are about them.

b) take that ham away from your eyes: there is no objectivity, outside of the transparency of the reporter, blogger or news reporter. Everyone is influenced in one way or another. You don't need to take money from a customer to be influenced. What about all those journalists and bloggers who routinely receive free evaluations of gadgets and software that everyone else has to pay for? Doesn't that influence them? Invitations to press dinners? Product launches? Come on.

What counts, and what I think readers value the most, is being upfront, transparent and credible. Assuming you have been, like everyone else, "exposed" to cover certain issues rather than others — what matters is how "transparent" you are about revealing your driving motives, interests and goals while writing on that topic. Can you be influenced while remaining true to your opinions? I believe you can.

Taking money per se is not a disreputable act, neither is getting paid to write about a certain topic: isn't this what newspapers command their editors to do?

What the critics of paid assignments have underestimated is the large demand out there for this. If the paid writers are transparent, accountable and professional with their assignment, then this is as legitimate as any other activity.

I guess you only need to decide if you are in it for the art or the part.

Marqui paid USD $800 to the bloggers who did the assignment. Each one was required to write four articles a month that at least mentions and links to Marqui.

13) Donations

If you support a cause that goes beyond the mere reporting of news in your areas of interest, why not consider asking your readers for support?


People like to take a stand for the people whom they think can make a difference, so why not use this strategy to finance some of your effective communication campaigns? PayPal Donations, Amazon's Honor System and BitPass all offer a simple way to add a snippet of code to your site to make it easy for people to donate.

Depending on the system adopted, you may opt to receive money in euros, U.S. dollars, Japanese yen, pounds sterling and other currencies.

If all of the above fails:

a) Join a publishing network
If you are just starting up with your blog or small news site — and need either more traffic, exposure or experience before you feel you can do any of the above on your own — then joining a group blog may work for you.

Metafilter, Chris Pirillo's Lockergnome Channels, Blogcritics, WikiNews, Blogit or any of these group blogs, if not at my own MasterNewMedia, MasterViews and Kolabora.com, where I am always looking for additional contributors.

Working in a group blog can ease the pressure of having to post on a daily basis, gives you greater exposure in less time and exposes you and your ideas to an existing community of interested readers and other writers.

In some cases, like at Weblogs Inc., Creative Weblogging, Squidoo and elsewhere, contributing bloggers are also paid a share of the advertising revenue their blog generates.

Another great alternative is to look into the creation of local news sites and Get Local News has a smart idea ready to be picked up.

b) Blog your best without worrying about making money in any direct way. Money comes as a consequence of your extra exposure and visibility. Blogging creates extra income by allowing you to enter in close contact with relevant people in your areas of interest, and by facilitating exchange and contact with prospective customers through your online presence.

Simply blogging with no strings attached increases your credibility and authority in the field and earns you extra income when you are called to give advice. Having a blog to showcase your ability to review, explore or analyze issues and products is the best way to market yourself and to provide a living showcase of your talents and abilities.

Making Money - session from Bloggercon III
Doc Searls leads the Making Money session at Bloggercon III. Audio from IT Conversations. [runtime: 01:24:31, 38.7Mb, recorded 2004-11-06]

True Voice: The Business of Blogging
Session hosted by Stowe Boyd at the Blog Business Summit in Seattle on January 24, 2005, with Robert Scoble and Get Real contributor Greg Narian.

Make Money off Your Blog
The Washington Post - January 30, 2005

The Blogs' Long Tail: Blogs And RSS Profit Potential

All of the above are non-exclusive strategies that can be used in parallel with other activities to create multiple income streams for bloggers, news sites and other content-focused online resources.

A few guiding principles have stood out from my own experience in the search for creating multiple income streams for an independent online publisher, blogger or small news site:

  • People want to see relevant information. Related to the main subject. If they like what they find, what better opportunity to give them more of what they want? Make your readers kings and queens at your site! The products and services a publisher selects should fit the editorial line of the blog/site as much as possible; this ensures a true continuum between articles and promotional messages.
  • Complementary
    The additional ad or sponsorship information has to bring in value to the overall content. Selling prestigious and prominent content space for money without considering the relevance of the sponsoring firm to the sponsored content is a wasted opportunity for both sides. Given that no one enjoys being distracted by brand x or product z when trying to find something unrelated — why not leverage this natural and reasonable defense mechanism and match sponsors to relevant events and content spaces? Why not allow sponsors to provide extra value to the content/event offered by providing access/integration to premium-quality complementary resources?
  • Visual unobtrusiveness - Non-interruptiveness
    Sponsorships, text-based ads, promotional messages don't have to scream for visual attention. If they complement and enrich what is already out there, they only need to be properly and intelligently juxtaposed, formatted and legible, scannable and printable, just like any other content on their hosting page. A site's web developer should have full control over the layout and positioning of these items by using CSS.
  • Publisher Control
    The publisher must be king (or queen)
    This is what I think. It is the publisher and not the advertising agency or some obscure algorithm that should control which ads show up on my web pages. It should be the publisher who takes the role of information director in full; not just in respect to what is written, but also about what is promoted. Separation of editorial and marketing offices is not an advantage in the type of new-media universe I envision.

    Services like Blogads and the text-link clearinghouses facilitate this by allowing publishers to maintain full control of who are going to be their advertisers.

    Google AdSense provides some control of which ads are displayed by letting publishers filter out up to 200 advertisers that may not complement their content. Ideally, as I have advocated, a publisher should be able to select from a large inventory of relevant and complementary advertisers in the ads he wants to carry.

  • Endorsement
    A publisher should also in some way endorse the products she advertises as a way to provide value to her readers with such "recommendations." I have repeatedly refused to be a well-paid affiliate reseller or advertiser for products that I didn't believe in, while many times I have offered my space for free to companies and products which I thought deserved my readers' attention (proof is available, if needed). A sense of personal ethics and editorial coherence is all it takes.

Which monetization strategy to use?

Diversify income streams
Don't bet all your money on one horse and think like a coffee shop where money is made with many small transactions across a good variety of (generally low-cost) related offerings.

What I am learning is that you can make money by creating and cultivating multiple, small, income streams. Relying on one big source of income is always dangerous. If that resource disappears, so does your ability to survive.

Photo credit: Elliott Scott

What are other blog / site monetization ideas that small publishers can utilize to make their passion a full-time job?

What do you think?

Baca Selengkapnya Ya......

Many of the people who write blogs today simply want to share their opinion on something. But then there are the business-minded folks, who have found a way to use blogs, or Web logs, to bring in a little extra cash too.

I recently wrote a column detailing how to get a blog up and running to boost your small business.

If you're interested in taking it further — blogging for bucks, if you will — here are five strategies that could turn your blog into a moneymaker.


Sell advertising. This is likely the most common means of leveraging a blog to generate income. If yours happens to become a well-known blog, or one that is well-received in a particular niche, it's always possible to sell ad space on your own. For lesser-known blogs, services such as Google's AdSense or BlogAds enable bloggers to establish ad programs.

AdSense's — which lets you select several ads that are consistent with the content of your blog — pays you based on how many readers click on the ads for further information. Even better, it's free. BlogAds, on the other hand, hooks bloggers up with would-be advertisers and levies a commission in return for any ad placements that result. "The nice thing, too, is that the ads are relatively unobtrusive," says Scott Allen, co-author of "The Virtual Handshake: Opening Doors and Closing Deals Online."


Help sell others' products. Here is another click-through opportunity. Affiliate programs enable your blog to serve as a conduit between readers and online sites offering various goods and services. One popular choice is Amazon.com. If, for instance, you offer book reviews or even just mention a book in passing in your blog, an affiliate program provides a means for your readers to click directly from your blog to Amazon to obtain further information about the book. If they break out the checkbook or charge card, you get paid as well.


Solicit contributions. Not every blog-related income opportunity involves hawking goods or services. As Blanche DuBois did in "A Streetcar Named Desire," consider relying on the kindness of strangers. Ask for contributions. If, for instance, your small-business blog supports a cause or issue in some fashion — say you repeatedly mention tax reform, health care or some other topic — you can always ask for reader support.

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Even if you've attracted a group of regular followers who simply enjoy reading what you have to say, they may be willing to underwrite their loyalty with a little financial help. Programs such as PayPal make it easy to establish a simple on-site contribution collection button. "There are lots of worthy 'cause' blogs that would qualify for donations from grateful members of the blog community," says Las Vegas communications consultant Ned Barnett.


Market your services in your blog. Many people associate blogs exclusively with a cyberspace-based soapbox — a place to shout your opinions and little more than that. Granted, blogs are an ideal venue to share your thoughts with others, but don't overlook their capacity to generate new business as well. When appropriate, work in references to what you do and, in turn, what you may be able to offer any would-be client or customer who may be reading your blog. That can spread your opinion and your business moxie at the same time.

"Instead of short commentaries that begin a dialogue with readers, as many blogs do, I write the equivalent of journal articles that demonstrate my abilities, strategies and perspectives on specific issues," Barnett says. "When it resonates, it means money. Since starting this approach, I have generated three new paying clients and brought in about $10,000 on revenue — directly attributable to specific blogs."


Use a blog to deepen your existing customer relationships. Nor does any marketing material inserted in blog content have to be limited to bringing in completely new business. By using a blog to regularly communicate with existing clients as well as other readers, you can take advantage of the opportunity to fully inform them about everything your business does. That may expand your readers' understanding of the full scope of your products or services.

"My blog has helped existing clients determine the range of my skills and services," says Ted Demopoulos of Demopoulos Associates, a Durham, N.H. consulting and training concern. "One client who had only used me for training in the past was surprised at my range of expertise and is now using me for a consulting project. Another who only used me on technical projects is now considering me for a more business-oriented project."

Jeff Wuorio

Jeff Wuorio
Jeff Wuorio is a veteran freelance writer and author based in southern Maine. He writes about small-business management, marketing and technology issues. Send Jeff an e-mail.

For customer support options, tailored business advice, and a single point of access for Microsoft's small-business solutions, see the Microsoft Small Business Center home page.

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